If You Have Trouble Selling Online, Please Read This…

It’s  a privilege to be able to share with you today something that 99.9% of business people online today just don’t get, and once you do, you can easily boost your online sales conversions over even your most aggressive competition by 100, even 1000%. Even if they’re in the top 10% of your space or industry!

So if you’re a business owner or marketing executive and you want to figure out how to grow your online sales to epic proportions, this may very well be one of the most important marketing insider documents you ever read.

That’s a big promise.  So as you might imagine, it’s not going to be something obvious….another “me too” read.  So I am going to break it into multi-post training series so we can take a look at each of the five areas in greater detail.

Now, I know that sounds too good to be true, and normally at this stage, you’re like yeah, yeah, yeah, right but listen, hang with me here.  I promise you, it’s something that most online marketers wish they knew about, especially if your desire is to lead the field.

There’s An Easier Way To Get Online Sales!

Let me tell you why this report is different from the million other reports promising to show you the “secret way” and why I strongly recommend you keep reading and invest your valuable time in what I’m about to tell you.

The reason is simple.  I learned this the hard way wasting hundreds of thousands-of-dollars in trial and error and even more costly… many wasted years, too. However, the silver-lining is I’ve learned something that I can pass on to you so you don’t waste your valuable time, and especially not your hard-earned money by chasing things that don’t work.

I’ve been selling online since 1998. Since that time, my online sales and marketing systems have been responsible for over $350 million in sales.  I’m not trying to impress you, but I want to impress upon you that I’ve learned a lot during that time, unfortunately, by making a lot of mistakes and getting a lot of things wrong.

But hey, that’s how you learn and it has given me the power to share insider information that once you really take in, you’ll be able to completely dominate as a leader in your space, and as I mentioned, get over 100% higher conversions than your closest competitor in your marketplace.

The best part is, you’ll be able to deploy these simple steps today, and here’s something equally important; they’ll continue to serve you year after year without fail, regardless of accelerating change in technology and marketing.  How do I know this?  Because they’re based on basic human psychology and desires, which fundamentally never change.

Success Leaves Clues

We both know the world of sales and marketing has changed over the last 20 years due to the internet, in such an amazing way.  But the basic psychology that drives all sales and marketing has stayed the same.

Additionally, there’s nothing hidden anymore.  Everything is out in the open and since success leaves clues and since most successful companies are simply copying each other, marketing and specifically marketing online has become basically this sea of the same old noise that is quite numbing to your potential customers or prospects, losing their attention before they even have a chance to start.

The average attention span right now is seven seconds (that’s less than a goldfish!), so how we say something to our online prospect becomes more important than ever.

So, these five secret steps I’m going to share with you will ensure your business stands out like a brand-new BMW in a crowd of old Ford Escorts, attracting people like a magnetic force to your product, service, or information.

Okay, now there’s a huge problem today that literally affects all of us in business, and it’s getting only worse.  There seems to be almost this arrogance that to sell online is just a matter of putting up a website and viola, sales come pouring in.  Well, if you’re reading this and you’re in business and you’ve been out there online for any time, you know it doesn’t work that way, not even close.

It’s more like you invest thousands in a beautiful website, set up your email client, set up your auto responders, get out there with great opt-in pages, your lead magnets, your sales pages.  Heck, you even set-up your own continuity plan and then you spend thousands on traffic and do your best to track your ad spend using Google Analytics and/or Facebook Ads Manager, and then BAM! Virtually no sales to speak of, or if any sales typically it’s such a small percentage of your business it feels like what’s the point. And then when you finally run the numbers, you’re upside down net-net on almost every sale you make.

What’s Are The Successful Online Sales Businesses Doing Different?

Here’s the thing, you know people are selling online. You see the evidence, but how are they doing it without losing money?  Do they have just deeper pockets than you? Do they have some incredible back-end that’s somehow allowing them to make it all up at the end of the sales process or value ramp?  Do they have an overall greater lifetime value of a customer?  It seems like a mystery.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.  Even some of the biggest companies right now, in fact, the large majority, 75% online, across all industry websites, have conversion ratios of less than, 2.4%.  That’s because most business people, they don’t realize and understand the human psychology of marketing, leaving the other 97.6% with ZERO desire to buy.  This means greater than three out of every four business owners or executives who are successfully selling through other channels feel that they struggle or even worse just plain fail to get results online.

Now, there’s a myriad of reasons for this.  Some of them are foundational like web page architecture, multiple landing pages, lead magnets, poorly constructed opt-in pages, email sequence, upsells, continuity programs, web classes, you name it.

But the most important reason, what we’re going to be discussing in our next post, is the number one online sales conversion killer out there.

Are you ready to know what it is?

If you like this and want more…asap, get my book – The 5 Secrets To Skyrocket Your Online Sales!