The Benefits Are Surprising, Easy And Permanent

Okay Sorry Guys!

Had you going for a minute…didn’t I?  But I have to break the news that this surprising, easy and permanent exercise for weight loss IS NOT FISHING.  It’s something that is a lot easier, a lot less expensive and can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

If you just watch your diet, but do not exercise, you may find that losing fat becomes more difficult. Your body’s internal mechanism (called a set-point) regulates the amount of body fat it keeps. When your body experiences a drop in calories such as in dieting, it can simply adjust the base metabolic rate (BMR) so it can use calories more efficiently. Thus, as your BMR dives lower and lower, as soon as your diet is broken, you will find yourself gaining back more body fat faster and easier than before! Ouch!

If you want to change this “set-point” back to a more “youthful” setting YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE TO LOSE WEIGHT in addition to watching your diet. Physical exercise is the only known way to lower your set-point and raise your BMR (i.e. metabolism) and thereby effectively programming your body to store less fat than it did before. Exercising aerobically can give your body oxygen, burn fat as fuel, and help make the greatest impact on your metabolism.

In the 1970s, two prominent physicians authored The Neuropsychology of Weight Control. They discovered that walking outside at a steady pace for up to one hour per day helped reset the body’s weight set point, making people lean and healthier. Walking (as an aerobic exercise to lose weight) may be difficult with your busy schedule, and yet may give you the most dramatic effect in helping you not only become more fit, but indeed more healthy. Walking (or rebounding on a mini- trampoline) aerobically can help reset your “normal” metabolic rate and return you to a more youthful calorie utilization and distribution of body fat.

You will not lose body fat permanently and healthfully unless you reset your set point.

Now that your body should be more alkaline and hydrated from early blog post on the importance of alkaline water, You need to start daily exercising aerobically OR do weight-training OR do compound-body training that keeps you  in the fat-burning aerobic zone while you exercise to lose weight.

This week’s challenge is designed to show you how to exercise to lose weight in a certain way..

Your challenge is:

  1. Use common sense and be responsible. If you have not exercised in years and/or have been unhealthy, please seek medical advice to determine if you are healthy enough for walking and/or other aerobic exercise. You have to be responsible when it comes to your health and do the right thing.
  2. Determine your approximate Aerobic Training Zone (ATZ) by using this approximation method. If you are fit and healthy, to find your ATZ take 190 minus your Age; if you are average in your fitness and health, take 180 minus your age; if you have been sick and/or are obese (30 pounds over normal for your height/age), take 160 minus your age. This number will be representative of your ATZ heart rate.
  3. WHILE IN YOUR ATZ, exercise to lose weight. Walk or weight train and compound-body train for a minimum of 30, but no more than 60 minutes EACH DAY. Take the first 5-10 minutes to get your heart-rate up to your ATZ. A fast and modern way is to use a watch that monitors your heart rate finger probes. A simple, inexpensive (FREE) low-tech way is to give yourself a 15 second break at 5 and 10 minutes every 10 minutes thereafter to count your pulse (counting your pulse for 15 seconds). You will then multiply this number times 4. This will give you an approximate heart-rate.
  4. Finish your dinner at least 3 hours before the time you go to bed. This means no eating or drinking carbohydrate or juices (anything with sugar or artificial sweeteners) during this three and a half hours. ONE EXCEPTION, if you are hungry prior to bed, you can eat a fist sized portion of high quality protein such as wild caught salmon, organic turkey, chicken etc. This can actually help stimulate your metabolism and can help burn fat while you sleep.