What is Thirds Eating, How Does Healthy Eating Relate To Your “Fist” And How Can You Use It To Shed Pounds Fast!

Thirds Eating is a simple eating concept for optimum health, healthy eating and shedding unwanted fat. Here is how it works. You imagine whenever you eat that your plate is divided into thirds. (think Mercedes logo) You will put: 1.) Lean good-quality protein on the first third (serving size no bigger THAN YOUR FIST); 2.) Green leafy vegetables on the second third (the darker the better); 3.) Low-glycemic carbohydrates on the last third. (serving size no bigger than your FIST! YOUR FIST IS THE SECRET! It is perfectly sized to keep you from overeating and burning more fat!)

Healthy eating for a leaner you is fairly easy this way, even if you are at a restaurant. Heck, you could, if you had to, even eat at a fast food restaurant this way…and lose and not gain fat.

PROTEIN – the best quality protein for healthy eating is from best to worst, Alaskan wild-caught salmon, organic turkey, organic chicken and very lean organic red meat. You can choose other options from there, but these are the best. If YOU ARE VEGAN or VEGETARIAN, the best quality proteins for healthy eating are almonds (organic almond butter) and black walnuts. Believe it or not ounce for ounce these have as much protein as sirloin steak.

GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES – The darker green is better for healthy eating. The darker the more vitamins, minerals and photochemical alkaloids are present. My favorites are 1.) Baby Spinach; 2.) Baby Spinach; 3.) Baby Spinach. Here is how to eat it. Cut it up a zillion times so it is chopped finely…and add a little lime or lemon or lime juice. If you are anti-Popeye, just choose your favorite dark-green vegetable for maximum healthy eating and have at it.

LOW-GLYCEMIC CARBOHYDRATES (less than 55 on the gylcemic index) – basically low-glycemic carbs are slow burning and your body will use them up slowly without metabolizing them into sugars and storing them as yucky fat. The only time you should ever eat high-glycemic carbs is after you have a super intense workout or run/walk. Why, because your body will gobble them up in its desire to replenish itself. Otherwise for healthy eating, stick to low-glycemic carbs PERIOD. (FOR HEALTHY EATING A LIST OF LOW-GLYCEMIC CARBOHYDRATES ARE AT THE END OF THIS CHALLENGE)

Now combine Thirds Eating with Alkaline water and you are ready to ROCK! You will say, “LORD! We are doing an extreme makeover on the old temple this week…move that bus!!!

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it says: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Your challenge is:

  1. Eat your 3 main meals each day this week using Thirds Eating.
  2. Eat a snack of either protein OR low-glycemic carbs between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner.
  3. If your body starts screaming at you to eat high-glycemic carbohydrates, just remember when it comes to healthy eating, don’t be fooled. It’s just the “rats in the temple.” (The “rats” are yeast overgrowth. 90% of the population has yeast overgrowth and it needs sugar…carbs to feed! Chances are you have it…especially if you find yourself craving carbs…sugar.). This is what is screaming at your to “feed me” , “feed me!” DON’T LISTEN. They are rats trying to pollute your temple!!!
  4. Diabetics stay on top of your blood sugar closely while doing this.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of alkaline water each day

Glycemic Index Table For Healthy Eating

Yogurt low-fat (sweetened) 14
Peanuts 15
Artichoke 15
Asparagus 15
Broccoli 15
Cauliflower 15
Celery 15
Cucumber 15
Eggplant 15
Green beans 15
Lettuce, all varieties 15
Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened 15
Peppers, all varieties 15
Snow peas 15
Spinach 15
Young summer squash 15
Tomatoes 15
Zucchini 15
Soya beans, boiled 16
Cherries 22
Peas, dried 22
Milk, chocolate 24
Pearl barley 25
Grapefruit 25
Milk, whole 27
Spaghetti, protein enriched 27
Kidney beans, boiled 29
Lentils green, boiled 29
Soya milk 30
Apricots  (dried) 31
Milk, Fat-free 32
Milk ,skimmed 32
Fettuccine 32
*M&Ms (peanut) 32
Chickpeas 33
Rye 34
Milk, semi-skimmed 34
Vermicelli 35
Spaghetti, whole wheat 37
Apples 38
Pears 38
Tomato soup, tinned 38
Haricot beans, boiled 38
Plums 39
Ravioli, meat filled 39
Carrots, cooked 39
*Snickers bar 40
Apple juice 41
Wheat kernels 41
Spaghetti, white 41
Black-eyed beans 41
All-Bran 42
Peaches 42
Chickpeas, tinned 42
Oranges 44
Lentil soup, tinned 44
Carrot juice 45
Macaroni 45
Pineapple juice 46
Rice, instant 46
Grapes 46
Grapefruit juice 48
Multi grain bread 48
Rice, parboiled 48
Baked beans, tinned 48
Porridge, non instant 49
*Chocolate bar; 30g 49
Jams and marmalades 49
Whole grain 50
Barley, cracked 50
*Ice-cream (low- fat) 50
Yam 51
Orange juice 52
Kidney beans, tinned 52
Lentils green, tinned 52
Kiwi fruit 53
*Pound cake 54
Bananas 54
Sweet potato 54
*Crisps 54